Local Order delivery takes 4-5 days, depending on the size and availability of the product. Orders are processed within 24 hours and are generally scheduled for delivery the following working day. Timely delivery is subject to availability of stocks and payment authorizations. In certain cases, we might request for some form of payment verification or source in order to process the order.
What are the delivery charges for local and international orders?
Rehanbyhibaarmaan provides shipping all over the Pakistan with a flat rate of Rs. 200 per order will be charged.
Does the price of the order include shipping
Typically, we will indicate shipping charges separately as part of the order on the checkout page. The final payment amount charged will include shipping charges.
How do I check the delivery status?
On dispatch, you will be provided a Tracking ID for your order through email and SMS. You can log on to PostX websites for local order insert your tracking ID and track your order.
What manner of shipping do you use?
We ship all over Pakistan through our courier partners PostX. Package typically arrives in 2-3 working days for local shipping.